comet observations on 23 oct. 2024
a clear night and very weel for comet observations. several comets could be observed: 43P, 54P, 130P, 190P, 253P, 305P, C/2021 S3, C/2022 N2, C/2023 A3, C/2023 R1, P/2023 M4
a clear night and very weel for comet observations. several comets could be observed: 43P, 54P, 130P, 190P, 253P, 305P, C/2021 S3, C/2022 N2, C/2023 A3, C/2023 R1, P/2023 M4
a rare clear night was the trigger to make comets and spectroscopic observations once again. I was able to observe 7 comets including: 54P, 493P, C/2021 S3, C/2022 N2, C/2022 U1, C/2023 R1, C/2023 V1. … Read more
for a observing project, i could obtain 2 sepctra of Be-stars: QR Vul and V442 And.
To prepare for participation for an observing project, I observed gam Cas with the high-resolution spectroscope for both H-alpha line and the HeI line (@6678Á). (project starts on 1 November)