spectroscopic observations on 29 aug.
during a short period of clear sky, i could obtain 2 spectra: gam Cas for HeI detail @ 6678 Å and 1730 Vul for H-alpha detail.
during a short period of clear sky, i could obtain 2 spectra: gam Cas for HeI detail @ 6678 Å and 1730 Vul for H-alpha detail.
After a rainy day the sky cleared in the late evening and I was able to record some spectra. spectra that i could obtain are: gam Cas for detail of the HeI @ 6678 Å … Read more
after the clouds were gone, i could obtain a high resolution spectrum of gam Cas for HeI @ 6678 Å
object gb00267 , mentioned on the PCCP) which i had observed in the morning of 19 aug., has definitely cometary appearances. It was assigned on 19 aug. as comet C/2020 Q1 (Borisov)
During this clear night , i observed a list of comets and 1 object mentioned on the PCCP as possible comet to confirm the cometary nature. comets which are observed are: 29P, 115P, C/2016 Q2, … Read more
after tunderstorm the sky was clear and could take some spectra. spectra that could be obtained are: gam Cas (HeI @ 6678Å), omi Aqr, bet Psc (both for the H-alpha detail in high resolution.)
with a remote 0.7-m f/8 telescope of the Telescope.live network in Oria, Almeria, Spain an object mentioned on the PCCP of the minorplanetcenter was observed to confirm the cometary appearance on 13 aug. 2020. Later … Read more
observation of an object N00gzzu, mentioned on the PCCP, was observed on 7 aug. in colaboration with F.-J. Hambsch from his ROAD-observatory (Remote Observatory Atacama Desert) in Chile, with a 0.4-m f/6.8 ODK telescope. We … Read more
spectroscopic observations in high resolution was made of gam Cas for the HeI detail @ 6678 Å.
with C11 and LHiResIII was gam Cas observed for HeI emission @6678 Å in high resolution.