comet and spectroscopic observations on 6 may
comets that could be observed during this short night: C/2017 T2, C/2019 Y1, C/2019 Y4. With C11 + LHiResIII 2 spectra could be obtained: CQ Uma, 4 Her.
comets that could be observed during this short night: C/2017 T2, C/2019 Y1, C/2019 Y4. With C11 + LHiResIII 2 spectra could be obtained: CQ Uma, 4 Her.
This evening was again a clear evening/night and i started at 22:30h local time to observe comets and Be stars with the spectroscope LHiRes III. comets which are observed are: C/2017 T2, C/2019 Y1, C/2019 … Read more
With a remote telescope of the Telescope Live network, i could observe a new comet C/2020 J1 (SONEAR) with a 0.61-m f/6.5 telescope in Chile.
this evening i could observe 2 comet: C/2019 Y1 and C/2017 T2. Also i could obtain spectra of 2 Be-stars: kap Dra, 53 Bootes . Also we could as team of the workgroup spectroscopy , … Read more
a clear and cold night with high humidity unfortunate, but i could observe 2 comets: C/2017 T2 and C/2019 Y1, also i could obtain spectra of some Be-stars: z Her, phi Leo, cs Dra
during a vey short period of clear sky between the clouds, i could observe comet C/2019 Y1.
During this clear evening, i could observe some comets: C/2017 T2 (PANSTARSS), C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS), C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS)
we have a really exceptional period here in terms of the number of clear nights, barely seen in my period as an amateur astronomer. Another nice clear night and some comets observed, these are: C/2017 … Read more
again a clear sky with lower temperature and some humidity in the air. comets that are observed are: C/2017 T2, C/2019 N1, C/2019 Y1, C/2019 Y4. With C11 and LHiRes III spectrograph, H-alpha detail were … Read more
clear night but high clouds were coming in after about 1 hour of observations. comet which are observed in this short period are: C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS) and C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS). spectroscopic observations for H-alpha detail … Read more