observation comet C/2018 Y1 (IWAMOTO) on 24 march
I started with a complete list of comets to observe, unfortunately the weather has another plan, so i could only observe only 1 comet: C/2018 Y1 (IWAMOTO).
I started with a complete list of comets to observe, unfortunately the weather has another plan, so i could only observe only 1 comet: C/2018 Y1 (IWAMOTO).
I observed comet 60P/TSUCHINSAN with a remote telescope from Nerpio, Spain on 9 jan. 2019 on 5:12 UT.
follow- up of comet 46P/WIRTANEN with remote telescope from New Mexico (iTelescope.net): 46P/W on 4 jan, 46P/W on 5 jan.
I decided to open my observatory to observe some comets as follow-up, especially 64P. I have only 1 … 1.5 hour because clouds where coming.. observed comets are 46P and 64P. Spectroscopic observation of the … Read more
Due the long period of clouds and bad weather, i took a remote telescope from Nerpio, Spain to make some comet observations to follow-up. Observed comets are: 38P, 46P and 64P. 64P experienced a possible … Read more
Due the several days of bad weather is observed some comets with remote Telescope from Nerpio, Spain: comets that are observed are 38P, 46P and 64P. There where some issues with hte telescope so the … Read more
during this cold evening (-2°C) i could obtaine some comet images on 26 dec.: comet 46P, comet 64P and comet C/2017 T2
spectrum of 46P/WIRTANEN, taken on 12 dec (periheliondate) with an ALPY600 slit spectrograph and 0.4-m f/4 newton telescope, processed and on the website available
after a long period of clouds and rain, i could finally start with imaging of comet 46P/WIRTANEN and do some spectrosocopic observations of Castor and V442 And. The weather was not very good due the … Read more
comet isn’t visible on the Northern hemisphere, that’s why i took a remote telescope from iTelesope.net in Siding Spring, Australia to observe comet 46P/WIRTANEN also for the ground based observing project of comet WIRTANEN