After clouds were gone, i could start with observations of comets and spectroscopic observations. After avbout 2 hours i must interreupt the observations due clouds that came in. comets that copuld be observerd are: C/2022 E3, C/2020 K1, C/2020 U5, C/2021 O3 (not detected due clouds). With the C11 + LHiresIII, some Be-stars are observed: 12 Vul, 28 Cyg and also VV Cep.
spectroscopic observation on 22 aug.
a high resolution spectrum could be ontained from Be-star 28 Cyg.
spectroscopic observations on 20 aug.
spectroscopi observation on 18 aug.
With the C11 -telescope and LHiResIII spectrograph, 2 spectra could be taken of Be-stars: 28 Cyg & QR Vul.
spectroscopic observation on 10 aug.
spectroscopic observation on 7 aug.
during this evening a spectrum was taken with the C11 + LHiResIII spectrograph of Be-star: 25 Cyg.
spectroscopic observation on 6 aug.
a spĂȘctrum in high resolution for H-alpha region could be obtained of 28 Cyg
Possible new comet observed on 4 aug.
With a remote 0.61-m f/6.5 CDK telescope in Rio Hurtado, Chile we ( comet team: E. Bryssinck, M. Rocchetto, E. Guido, G. Milani, A. Valvasori) observed a possible comet, mentioned on the PCCP of the minorplanetcenter. We could detect this object and could confirm the cometary nature of this object and appears with magnitude 18.8. 15 exposures of 180 sec. are taken with this instrument.
comet and spectroscopic observations on 2 aug.
After a warm day we have again a clear night. After the high clouds are dissappeared, i started with observing some comets: 325P, C/2022 L1, C/2022 L2, C/2020 K1. Simultanously i started with observation of spectra with my second setup: from 2 Be-stars could be an spectra in high resolution be obtained: iot Lyr & 28 Cyg.
spectroscopic observation on 1 aug.
during this clear night, but low transparancy, i could take a spectrum of 12 Vul