spectra could be obtained with the C11+ LHiResIII setup of QR Vul
spectroscopic observation on 19 july
spectra was taken during this clear night of Be-star: 12 Vul
spectroscopic observation on 14 july
With the C11 + LHiResIII spectrograph could 2 spectra obtained from Be-stars: 25 Cyg, 12 Vul
spectroscopic observation on 10 july
After the high clouds are gone, i could start with observing 2 Be-stars. I could obtain a spectrum of 28 Cyg & QR Vul.
spectroscopic observation on 8 july
After the clouds are gone, i could obtain a spectrum of Be star: 12Vul
spectroscopic observation on 5 july
for the spectroscopic observing campaign for TESS Be-stars i could obtain spectra of: iot Lyr and 12 Vul.
comet and spectroscopic observations on 4 july
comet and spectroscopic observations on 3 july
spectroscopic observation on 1 july
for a spectroscopic observing campaign of the TESS Be-stars, i observed this evening iot Lyr.
Comet and spectroscopic observations on 27 june
A very clear night with very good transparency invites me to observe. Several comets were observed: C/2017 K2, C/2019 U5, C/2020 H6, C/2020 J1, C2022 E3. Also spectra could be obtained: iot Lyr and 12 Vul.