On 2 june, we could observe an object , mentioned on the PCCP by use of a remote telescope-live 0.7-m f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien located in Oria, Spain and this object was later on 7 june assigned as comet C/2022 K1 (Leonard)
comet and spectroscopic observations on june 1/2
The weather forecasts were good for observing on this ‘grey’ night. A few comets were observed with the 0.4-m f/3.8 corrected newton: 116P, C/2017 K2, C/2019 U5, C/2020 H6, C/2020 K1, C/2020 O2, C/2020 U5, C/2021 O3 (not found), C/2022 E3. With the C11 cassegrain telescope and the LHiRes-III spectrograph I was able to record 1 spectra of Be-star V974 Her.
spectroscopic observation on 28 may 2022
oDespite some passing clouds, I was still able to take some spectra of Be stars: 13 Oph and iot Lyr
spectroscopic observation on 20 may 2022
spectroscopic observations on 17 may
Again a clear night, so i started with spectroscopic observations in high-resolution ( R=15000) of Be-stars: 28 Cygnus and omicron Hercules.
new comet observed C/2022 J1 (Maury-Attard) on 6 may
While this object was still mentioned on the PCCP of the minor planet center, we could observe and detect this object an could confirm the cometary nature of this object. Later on 6 may was this object assigned as comet C/2022 J1 (Maury-Attard)http://www.astronomie.be/erik.bryssinck/c2022j1_20220506.html
new manuscript: Comets beyond 4 au: How pristine are Oort nuclei?
New manuscript published 3 May 2022 in the Astronomical Journey, by M. Fulle where some comet observations of my are used: Comets beyond 4 au: How pristine are Oort nuclei?
comet observations on 27/28 april
comet and spectroscopic observations on 20 april
Some cloud cover but otherwise an OK evening for observation. Several comets were observed with the 0.4-m f/3.8 newton telescope: 19P, 67P, 70P, 100P, 116P, C/2017 K2, C/2019 K7, C/2019 U5, C/2020 H6, C/2020 J1, C/2020 K1, C/2020 M5, C/2020 PV6, C/2020 U5, C/2020 V2, C/2021 A7, C/2022 E3. With the 11″ cassegrain telescope + LHiReSIII spectrograph, the following spectra were obtained: PZ Gem, CX Draconis.
new comet C/2022 F2 (NEOWISE)
with the comet research-team of Telescope.Live we could observe an object, mentioned on the PCCP of the minorplanetcenter on 2022 april 3, with the remote Telescope.Live 0.61-m f/6.5 reflector iin Rio Hurtado, Chile. Later was this object assignes as comet C/2022 F2 (NEOWISE)