During periods of clear sky, between the clouds, spectrum could be recorded from: PZ Gem, HD 205060, 59 Cyg.
comet and spectroscopic observations on 15 oct.
according to the weather forecast there would be a clear night, unfortunately clouds are coming in very regularly here. I also have to deal with reciprocal problems of momentary loss of USB connection to CCD/and fo focuser which causes constant interruption of observations. Attempts were made to observe several comets including: 132P, C/2017 K2, C/2020 K1, C/2020 PV6, C/2021 D2, C/2021 E3. With the C11 + LHiress III spectrograph, a high-resolution H-alpha detail spectrum was taken from several stars: HD 216057, HD 21620, HD 21455, 14 Lac.
spectroscopic observations on 12 oct.
during a short period of clear sky i could obtain spectra (H-alpha-detail in high resolution) of following stars: eps Cas, BK Cam.
spectroscopic observations on 11 oct.
spectroscopic observations on 9 oct.
spectra of H-alpha region could be obtained with the C11 + LHiResIII spectrograph of folowwing stars: 25 Cyg, 28 Cyg, HD 21362, HD 199128
comet and spectroscopic observations on 8 oct.
new comet C/2021 T1 (Lemmon) observed on 4 oct.
While this object was still mentioned on the PCCP, i observed this object with the Orion Optics AG16 0.4-m f/3.8 in my backyard. Later was this object assigned as comet C/2021 T1 (Lemmon) via CBET 5053 issued on oct. 8.
new comet C/2021 S3 (PANSTARRS) observed on 4 oct.
WHile an object was mentioned on the PCCP, i could boserve this object with a remote Telescope.Live 0.5-m f/3.6 telescope in Rio Hurtado, Chile on 4 oct. This object was later assigned as comet C/2021 S3 (PANSTARRS) via MPEC 2021-T166 issued on 8 act. 2021.
new comet C/2021 T2 (LEMMON) on 7 oct and 8 oct.
while an object C60E7J2 mentioned on the PCCP could be observed on 7 oct. with my 0.4-m f/3.8 telescope in my backyard. Also we ( E. Bryssinck, M. Rocchetto, E. Guido, M. Fulle, G. Milani, C. Nassef, G. Savini, A. Valvasori ) observed this object with a Telescope.live 0.7-m f/8 Ritchey-chretien (Z08) on 8 oct. Later on 8 oct. was this object assigned as comet C/2021 T2 (FULS) via M.P.E.C. 2021-T169
comet and spectroscopic observations on 7 oct.
During this clear evening with reasonable transparency, I was able to observe a few comets with the Orion Optics 0.4-m f/3.8 telescope: 29P, 107P, 186P, 431P, C/2017 K2, C/2019 U5, C/2020 PV6, C/2021 E3 and a possible comet, mentioned on the PCCP and could be detected. With the C11 + spectrograph LHiResIII, i ttok a spectrum of several stars for H-alpha detail: 13 Tau, 25 Peg, 31 Peg, bet Psc, kap Aql, pi Aqr.