i obtained some spectra of Be-stars: KX And, HD 207232, HD 203025 with the C11 telescope and LHiResIII spectrograph with 2400 l/mm grating and SX8914 camera.
comet and spectroscopic observations on 24 sept.
during this clear evening i observed some comets, despite the moonphase of 0.84: 104P, 408 P, C/2020 K6, C/2021 E3, P/2008 QP20, P/2015 Q1 (not found), P/2019 LD2. Also simultanously i observed some stars to capture a high resolution spectra (R ca. 15000) of the H-alpha region: V2120 Cyg, HD 208682, HD 175511, cx Dra.
comet and spectroscopic observations on 22 sept.
a clear evening and i started with capture some comets: 104P, C/2017 K2, C/2019 U5, C/2020 K1, C/2020 PV6, P/2008 QP20 (not found). spectra could be obtained from following stars: V1294 Aql, HD 179343, 10 Cas
comet and spectroscopic observations on 15 sept.
during this clear evening i could obtain several comets: 28P, 67P, 132P, 148P, C/2017 K2, C/2019 T3, C/2020 PV6, C/2019 LD2. With the C11 + LHiResIII spectrograph i could make jigh resolution spectra of nova RS Oph, iot Lyr, HD 174237, 54 Cyg, 66 Cyg.
comet observation on 12 sept.
observation of an object listed on the PCCP page, during the observation this object was the name comet P/2021 R5 (RANKIN) assigned. observation with Telescope.Live 0.7-m f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope in Oria, Spain, Telescope.Live observerteam: E. Bryssinck, M. Rocchetto, E. Guido, M. Fulle, G. Milani, C. Nassef, G. Savini, A. Valvasori
comet and spectroscopic observations on 7 sept.
comet and spectroscopic observations on 5 sept.
new comet C/2021 Q3 (ATLAS) 29 aug.
observations of a possible comet, mentioned on the PCCP could be observed and detected, later was this possible comet assigned as comet C/2021 Q3 (ATLAS). Observations with a Telescope.Live 0.7-m f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien in Oria, Spain
spectroscopic and comet observations on 16 aug.
The observing conditions were not good, overcast clouds disturbed the sky so that the faint comets were difficult to detect. comets that are observed are: 69 (not detected), 255P (not detected), 382P (not detected), C/2017 K2, C/2019 U5, C/2020 K1, C/2020 PV6. spectra could be obtained of V986 Oph, tet Crb, recurrent nova RS Oph, 6 Cep.
comet and spectroscopic observations on 14 aug.
Tonight I welcomed G. De Cock during the observations, Geert was the founder of Antares amateur astronomy association where I joined in 1999 and where I gained my astronomy knowledge. I was able to observe some comets like: 6P, C/2017 K2, C/2019 T3, C/2019 U5, C/2020 PV6, C/2020 K1. With the C11 and spectroscope I could observe the nova RS Oph, V357 Lac and 28 Cyg.