After the clouds had disappeared, I could start with observations. A few comets were observed + an object that might be a comet and is listed on the PCCP of minorplanetcenter. This object could be detected and later assigned as comet C/2021 P4 (ATLAS) on aug. 21 . comets which are observed are: C/2017 K2, C/2019 U5, C/2020 PV6 and C/2021 E3. Spectra were recorded from nova Cas 2021, nova RS Oph, KY And and EW Lac.
spectroscopic observations on 12 aug.
spectroscopic observation on 11 aug.
during this evening with clear sky, i could capture some spectra: nova RS Oph, HD 206773
updating AAG cloudwatcher with atmospheric pressure and humidity sensor
I received the atmospheric sensor and humidity sensor for the AAG cloudwatcher and mounted this sensor. Also i could see that the rain sensor was a little damaged and cleaned this sensor + i put a Plastidip layer of protective rubber the sensor and calibrated this again.
comet and spectroscopic observations on 10 aug
I observed a few comets between periods of cloud cover and overcast: C/2017 K2, C/2020 PV6. With the spectrograph I captured some spectra including nova RS Oph, 59 Cyg, gam Cas, V2136 Cyg.
comet observation on 10 aug. with remote telescope.Live
i observed comet 67P/Gerasimenko-Churyumov with a remote 0.61-f/6.5 telescope from Telescope.Live network in Chile, used filter: SLOAN r’ photometric filter.
spectroscopic observations on 9 aug.
Between the showers there was a period of clearing and I took advantage of it to capture a spectrum of the nova outburst RS Oph with the LHiResIII and 2400 l/mm grating for H-alpha detail and also the Be star 54 Cyg.
spectroscopic observations on 8 aug.
during a short period of clear sky, i could capture 3 high resolution spectra of Be-stars which are: V558 Lyr, omi Her, HD 181409.
new comet observed on 1 aug.
While an object was listed on the PCCP page of minorplanetcenter as a possible comet, I observed this object with a remote telescope in Namibia; I could observe a compact coma. On 2 Aug. this object was assigned as comet C/2021 O3 (PANSTARRS)
spectroscopic observation on 27 july
The weather in Belgium is not good lately, with a lot of rain and flooding, sometimes between showers and just a clear period I can observe like this evening I could capture 1 Be-star a spectra: 341 Sge.