between the clouds, i could obtain 1 spectra of 25 Cyg for about 1/2 hour, after that it was again cloudy for the rest of the night.
spectroscopic observation on 15 sept.
there was a short period of almost clear sky a
spectroscopic observations on 14 sept. 2019
spectroscopic observation with C11 and LHiResIII spectrograph with 2400 l/mm grating: 8 Lac and also a star from TESS list: V357Lac – HD 212044. There was a huge temp. drop from 24 degr. to about 10 degr. during the evening. This has an influence on the Resolving Power of the spectrograph. The last star has only a R~ 11000.
spectroscopic an comet observations on 13/14 sept. 2019
there were several periods of stubborn cloud cover that only moved very slowly. Still some periods of clear sky at full moon. I could record 2 spectra of: VV Cep and cx Draconis. also some comets were observed as: 68P, C/2017 K2, C/2017 T2 , C/2019 N1 and the insterstellar object C/2019 Q4 (BORISOV).
spectroscopic observations on 9/10 sept.2019
spectroscopic observations on 5 sept.
spectra and comet observations on 4/5 sept.
Between a few showers it was clear and transparent. I have taken advantage of these opportunities to perform some comets and spectrum observations. Comets that I’ve observed are: 29P, 114P, 260P, C/2016 A1, C/2018 N2, C/2018 W2, C/2018 U1, C/2019 N1. Spectra that i have taken are from: V2136 Cyg, V421 Cep, lam Cyg, Merkhib and RR Lyr (interrupted due shower)
spectroscopic observations on 30 aug. 2019
The NASA space photometric mission TESS is observing all types of stars in the sky, including Be stars. so i decided to pick some Be-stars from this list of the TESS mission in the sectors where TESS is observing at the moment. One of these stars is HD 194779 (magn. 7.48), i acquired this star for 2 hours. V586 Cyg is on the list as well. After those 2 TESS-list stars, i took nu-Cyg (HD 199629).
spectroscopic observations + comet observations on 29 aug. 2019
spectroscopic observations are obtained with the C11 + LHiResIII spectrograph with 2400 l/mm grating. stars which are observed are: RR Lyr, V442 And, V568 Cyg. Comets are observed with the 0.4-m f/3.8 newton: 29P, 260P, C/2018 N2, C/2018 W2, C/2019 D1, C/2019 N1. after this comet, there rise some technical problems with the mount and i interrupted the observations, also there was coming high humidity in the air and cirrus clouds where coming in .