during this clear evening and later, after midnight, moon disturbance, i took also images of comets as follow-up with the 0.4-m f/3.8 telescope: comets which are observed are: 29P, C/2016 R2, C/2017 K2, C/2018 W2, C/2019 J2 (not detected), C/2019 K4, C/2019 L3 and C/2019 N1. stars where a spectrum is taken are: HD 175863, nu Cyg, cx Dra and 10 Cas.
spectroscopic observations on 19 aug.
spectroscopic observations on 18 aug. 2019
spectroscopic & comet observations on 11 aug. 2019
comet and spectroscopic observations on 7 aug.
during this evening several Be-stars are observed with spectrograph LHiResIII and 2400 l/mm grating: 28 Cyg, V2120 Cyg, V442 And, 60 Oph. Also with the 0.4-m f/3.8 telescope, some comets are observed (sky SQM in zenit 19.25) : 68P, C/2016 R2, C/2017 K2, C/2018 U1, C/2019 D1 (not detected), C/2019 K8, C/2019 L3, C/2019 M3, C/2019 N1
spectroscopic observations on 1 aug. 2019
comet and spectroscopic observations on 29 july
during this clear night (SQM – zenit here about 19.25) i observed comets with the 0.4-m f/3.8 corrected newton: 29P, 68P, 260P, 114P (not detected), A/2019 K6 (not detected), C/2016 R2, C/2017 E3 (not detected), C/2017 K2, C/2018 N2, C/2018 U1, C/2018 W2, C/2019 D1, C/2019 J3 (not detected), C/2019 K4, C/2019 K8, C/2019 L3, C/2019 M3, C/2019 N1. With the C11 and LHiResIII spectrograph (with grating 2400 l/mm) several be-stars are observed: 31 Aqr, pi Aqr, Alfirk, 1730 Vul, 58 nu-Cyg, 31 Peg
updating website with observations of comet 260P/MCNAUGHT
I updated the website with more than 10 observations of last month of comet 260P/MCNAUGHT (collaboration with F.-J. Hambsch from his resmote observatory)
spectroscopic observations Be-stars + comet observations on 23 july.
During this hot evening, i started with comet observations and spectroscopic observations of some Be-stars. Be-stars which are observed are: 28 Cyg, omi And, omi Cas, lam Cyg, gam Cas . Unfortunately later on this night, cirrus clouds where coming in and i loos a lot of contrast, so i interrupt the observations. Comets which are observed are: 68P/KLEMOLA, C/2019 J2 (PALOMAR) (not detected), C/2019 L3 (ATLAS) and C/2019 M3 (ATLAS).