Together with my astro-friend, F.-J. Hambsch we started with an observingcampaign for comet 260P/MCNAUGHT on a question of an Italian astronomer. So we started on 8 july to observe this comet.
spectroscopic observations on 7 july 2019
spectroscopic and comet observations on 3 july
this clear night are several comets observed and a new object on the PCCP as well. Comets which are observed are: 68P/KLEMOLA, C/2016 R2 (PANSTARRS), C/2019 L3 (ATLAS) and object on the PCCP: A10evjL (and detected). With the C11 and LHiResIII spectrograph are several Be-stars observed: V2139 Cyg, Lam Cyg, 14 Lac .
new comets: A/2019 K6, C/2019 K7, C/2019 K8, C/2019 L3 – 1 july 2019
comet and spectroscopic observations on 28 june 2019
again a clear night ! i made observations of some comets and also with the spectrograph 2 Be stars: V2136 Cyg, V2148 Cyg. . I Noticed that the star V2136 Cyg has an increased activity. Comets which are observed are: 68P/KLEMOLA, C/2018 U1 (LEMMON), C/2019 F1 (ATLAS-AFRICANO), C/2019 J2 (PALOMAR).
new comet C/2019 L2 (NEOWISE assigned on 28 june)
One of the objects, mentioned on the PCCP of the MinorPlanetCenter are observed by me during 26/27 june. One of the objects was N00ez6d. Here i took 30 images of 60 sec. each. I could find this comet and send the astrometry to MPC. Later on 28 june MPEC 2019-M93: C/2019 L2 was issued and this object was assigned as comet C/2019 L2 (NEOWISE). My image can you find here: comet C/2019 L2 (NEOWISE) on june 27th
comet and spectroscopic observations on 27 june
during this very clear (and short) night i could start with some spectroscopic observations of Be-stars: 12 Vul, kap Aql., 16 Peg. With my 0.4-m f/3.8 i started first with observations of an object mentioned on the PCCP of magnitude 20.7. Later i did some known comets as: C/2019 J2 (PALOMAR), C/2016 A1 (PANSTARRS) and C/2019 D1 (FLEWELLING)
comet and spectroscopic observations 28 june 2019
comet and spectroscopic observations on 26 june
clear night without clouds and low humidity, excellent observingconditions, despites the grey nights (sun not lower than 16 degrees below horizon). comets which are observed are: 68P, C/2016 R2, C/ 2017 K2, C/2019 H1 and 2 objects mentioned on the PCCP (objects N00ez6d and A10eeCI) both objects could be detected . With the C11 and the LHiResIII spectrograph i observed Be-stars: 20 Vul, 25 Vul and QR Vul.
spectroscopic and comet observations on 22 june
I observed 4 objects mentioned on the PCCP with my 0.4-m f/3.8 telescope and other somets: 68P, C/2019 D1 (FLEWELLING). With the C11 and LHiResIII spectrograph i could observe several Be-stars: QR Vul, HD 217050, gam Cas, Alfirk, 60 Cyg and 12 Vul.