
comet and spectroscopic observations on 23 febr.

During this clear night i obtained several comet-images with the AG16 0.4-m f/3.8 telescope : 38P, 46P, 59P, 164P, 171P, 240P, 247P, C/2015 O1, C/2016 A1, C/2018 A3 and C/2018 Y1.

spectroscopic observations are made with the second telescope 0.28-m f/10 with a LHiResIII spectrograph with 2400 l/mm grating: on request for a small project: Menkalinan and after this star i observed Be-stars: Pleione, OT Gemini, HD 9612 and 69 Orionis.

comet end spectroscopic observations on 15 febr.

During the whole night i observed a list of faint comets during the night 15/16 febr.: 38P, 46P, 49P, 60P, 68P (not detected), 123P, 149P, 164P, 240P, 247P, C2010 U3, C/2015O1, C/2016 A1, C/2016 R2, C/2017 K2, C/2017 S3 (not detected), C/2017 T2, C/2018 A3, C/2018 W1, C/2018 W2, C/2018 Y1, C/2019 B1.  Simultanously, spectroscopic observations in high resolution with the C11 + LHiresIII spectrograph are made on Be-stars: kap Draconis, eps Casseopeia, BK Cam, Alfirk, HD 216200, HD 17505

comet and spectroscopic observations on 3 febr.2019

During e clear (and cold night -3°C) are several comets observed and spectroscopic observations of several Be-stars in high resolution.  comets that are observed are: 31P (not detected),   38P, 46P, 60P, 64P, 123P, 171P, 164P, 247P, C/2018 W2 (AFRICANO).

Be stars which are observed are: AX Mon, Electra, OT Gem, Pleione, V442 And. Also VV Cep was observed in high resolutions with the LHiResIII.

comet and spectroscopic observations on 21 jan.2019

comet observations on 21 jan with disturbing moonlight (99% moon) until high clouds were coming in. Observed comets are: 29P/S-W1, 64P and 46P. Comets 198P, P/2019 A3 are also observed but not detected.

update of Afρ-plot for comet 64P and comet 46P are made on behalf of CARA consortium

spectroscopic observations in high resolution (H-alpha detail) are made for several stars: V442 And, Pleione, Merope, HD 30453, HD 20210, BK Cam, 69 Ori.