
comet observations on 20 nov.

After a cloudy day with rain showers in the evening, there was a brief clearing for about 1 hour and I was able to observe comet 12P between the clouds. After an hour, clouds but also fog gathered so I had to close the observatory.

comet observations on 17 nov.

After a day of rain, the skies cleared and it was a reasonably clear night with very high humidity. The high humidity caused some technical problems at start of observing. Eventually after about 2 hours, I was able to start anyway. Subsequent comets could be observed until clouds drifted in again. 12P, 32P, 126P, 144P.

comet observations on 15 nov.

After clouds and rain showers came a period of clear sky for several hours. After some technical problems (due to moisture), I was finally able to start after an hour. Some comets I could observe including 12P (in major outburst > 4 magn. ), C/2021 X1, 207P.