comet and spectroscopic observation on 5 dec.
During a short period of open skies, I was able to observe comet 29P and obtain 1 spectrum of Be-star 120 Tau. Afterwards clouds reappeared and closed the observatories.
During a short period of open skies, I was able to observe comet 29P and obtain 1 spectrum of Be-star 120 Tau. Afterwards clouds reappeared and closed the observatories.
They had predicted a nice clear sky and it came true. SQM-zenit was 18.7. I could observe several comets: 11P, 29P, 36P, 141P, 156P, 173P, 391P (not detected), 397P, C/2019 L3, C/2019 T3, C/2019 Y5 … Read more
due the bad weather, i used a remote telescope of the Telescope.Live network in Oria Spain to observe comet 29P/SCHWASSMANN-WACHMANN.
Despite the high humidity and lunar phase of 0.98, I was able to observe some comets until suddenly a thick fog came up. Comets that were observed: 29P, C/2017 K2, C/2019 L3, C/2019 U6. With … Read more
2 new comets were observed while these are mentioned on the PCCP, today they are assigned as: comet C/2020 V2 (ZTF) and P/2020 V4 (RANKIN)
Due the clouds and bad weather, i used a remote telescope of the Telescope.Live network in Oria Spain to capture the comet 29P (outburst since 19 nov.)
Although the weather forecast predicted clouds, at intervals it was clear with sometimes some cirrius clouds. With these clear periods I was able to observe 3 comets: 11P, 29P, 156P. spectroscopic observations were also made: … Read more
During the scarce periods of explanations between showers, I was able to observe some comets, including the comet 29P just in outburst (reported by Nick James -> director BAA comet-section). Other comets are: 11P, 156P … Read more
During the evening there were many periods of cloud cover and occasional rain showers. Between the showers and later in the evening, when it cleared up, I was able to observe some comets as well … Read more
After usual flat images during dusk, I started observing a series of comets. These are:11P, 29P, 36P (not found+star), 156P, 215P, 257P, 397P, A/2019 U5, C/2017 B3, C/2017 K2, C/2018 U1, C/2019 K7, C/2019 O3, … Read more